Friday, June 15, 2012

Facebook Sponsored Posts Kick Off On Mobile

Sponsored Like Ad
Kit Kat Canada launched it's Sponsored Post ad to  get more fan page likes on facebook. I've managed to grab a screenshot from my iPhone here that shows that they've promoted the fan page using stories of friends who already like  Kit Kat. There are about 6.6 million smartphone mobile users in Canada and that number is increasing quite fast.

Did you know that you're facebook post only reaches 10% of your fans or less?

Facebook's promotod posts allows your page's post to reach more than 10% of its fans. Here's a post from one of the pages I manage that has 56,000 fans. For my page, facebook charges $15 to reach an estimate of 20,000 fans, and $50 to reach 62,000 fans over 3 days.

Promoting your fan page post to more than 10% of  the page's fans

Bret Taylor, Chief Technology Officer leaves Facebook for a new start up

Bret Taylor, Facebook's Chief Technology Officer just announced on facebook that he is leaving facebook to start a new company with Kevin Gibbs, a close friend of his.

He has not disclosed what kind of start up it will be but Kevin Gibbs is a Stanford graduate and works at Google

Here's Bret's facebook post just posted recently:

" I wanted to let you all know that I'll be leaving Facebook later this summer. I'm sad to be leaving, but I'm excited to be starting a company with my friend Kevin Gibbs.

While a transition like this is never easy, I'm extremely confident in the teams and leadership we have in place. I'm very proud of our recent accomplishments in our platform and mobile products, from Open Graph and App Center toFacebook Camera and our iOS integration. I'm even more excited for the world to see all the amazing things these teams have coming.

I've learned more than I ever imagined in my time at Facebook. I'm also extremely grateful for my relationship with all of the amazing people I've worked with here.

I want to give a special thanks to Mark Zuckerberg. You've not only been my boss for the past three years, but my mentor and one of my closest friends.

Thanks to all of you at Facebook for the most incredible three years of my life." 

I believe that Bret has done an excellent job at facebook, and I wish him all the best of luck in his new start up.. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Open Graph Plus 60 New Applications on Facebook

Facebook just unveiled new applications to let users share everything from what you are wearing to which convert you're going to.

More than 60 new apps were released and you can now share music that you're listening to through spotify, or articles through Yahoo News.

One of the coolest apps include Ticketmaster and Pinterest. The latter has received much popularity recently and is growing with increasing momentum. It's known as a virtual pin board where you can collect interesting things across the web.

With Facebook's open graph, expect more apps yet to come. Pick a verb or noun and use it to create stories on the news feed and users' timelines. The below demonstrates how facebook is shaping the future of sharing across the web.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

How Does Your Website Look Like on the Go?

61% of mobile users call a business after searching and 59% visit the location (Source: Google). Did you know that 39% of smart phone owners use their phone while going to the bathroom?

Become the #1 game changer and get a mobile friendly web site.

You can test your website using the GoMometer by Google. From there you can see if you have broken links, if you can read the text without zooming or scrolling, if links can be clicked with a thumb or if you can search for something easily.

Is it affordable? Let me ask you, can you afford to wait while your competitors beat you to the punch?

A few key points that are important while getting one are the following:
  1. Keep it quick: Prioritize content, compress images as mobile users are short on time.
  2. Simplify navigation: minimize scrolling and keep it vertical
  3. Be thumb friendly: use large, centered buttons and give them extra space to reduce accidental clicks
  4. Make it accessible: use HTML5- Apple brought flash down with its excess non flash compatible iPhone/iPad sales.
  5. Make it easy to convert: reduce the transaction steps, use click to call functionality.
  6. Make it local: Include maps.
  7. Use mobile site directs: give users the choice to navigate to and from your desktop site
  8. Use Analytics: it is always important to research your insights to learn how people use your site.

The Web Goes Dark Against #SOPA

Wikipedia staged a 24 hour blackout of its articles joining other web sites in a protest against SOPA, a US legislation aimed at shutting down websites that share pirated movies and other content

Reddit shut down for 12 hours, Google blacked out the logo in its home page, and Craigslist took a middle route by changing its home pages to a black screen.

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook made an announcement yesterday saying this is not the way it should be on the web.

I personally, think that SOPA is not the right way to control content on the web- it should not be passed.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Search Enters The World of Social Media

Introducing "Search plus Your World"
Back in March 2011 on my Posterous, I asked what if Facebook adds search? Well, It's hasn't happened yet, but close enough Google has just launched its master plan today while the whole world has its cameras and desktops geared towards the CES event in Las Vegas. Jack Menzel, product management director of search at Google explained that members of Google+ will be able to search agaisnt both the broader web and their own Google+ social graph.

Google's "Search plus Your World" will show results from both the web and across your circles. Watch this video to see how it works.

Mashable in it's last post also had the same question as I had, "is it time for Facebook to finally launch that fabled Facebook Search Engine?" Seems like we are heading towards that direction. So get ready for the ride, and share with us your thoughts on  it. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

The LG Super Model Trick: Viral Video

Last time I checked this viral video almost got 1 million hits
What are your ethical thoughts though on this video? Share it with us!